Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Specimen AB#11 (Twin Brown Caps)

I found this pair poking out from beneath a fallen log, looking for some open air to send out their spores.

Figure 1. Inocybe napipes peeking out to say hello

NameInocybe napipes
Collection Date: 10/04/2011
Habitat: “Solitary, scattered, or in small groups on ground in woods. Common in the fall and winter under oak and pine” (Arora, 1986).
Location: West Woods
Description“Cap 2-8 cm broad when expanded…bell shaped when young, often expanding in age but retaining a prominent umbo…often somewhat browner in the center or in age. Gills close and crowded…finally turning brownish-gold or brown…veil absent” (Arora, 1986).
Collector: Andrew Burns

Key Used: Arora. D., (1986) Mushrooms Demystified 2nd Edition, Ten Speeds Press, New York, NY

Keying Notes:
Major Groups of Fleshy Fungi… p.52
Agaricales (Gilled Mushrooms)…p. 58

1b. Spores forcibly discharged; gills exposed at maturity…2
2b. Spore print darker, brown…10
10b. Spore print some shade of brown, gray, or black…16
16b. Spore print not greenish or grayish-olive …19
19b. Spore print rusty brown, cinnamon brown…26
26b. Not growing on other mushrooms…27
27b. Stalk present; on wood or ground…30
30b. Not with above features…31
31b. Gills occasionally decurrent but usually not, veil present or absent (in this case absent)…   p. 396, Cortinariaceae

1a. Typically growing on wood; neither the gills nor the flesh lilac or violet…2
2b. Stalk well developed, central…3
3b. Spore print darker colored (including duller rusty brown or ochre brown)…4
4b. Fruiting body not red or wine-colored…5
5a. Veil absent…6
6b. Spore print not pinkish-cinnamon…25
25a. Odor spermatic or like green corn; spore print dull brown…p. 455, Inocybe

1b. Odor spermatic, fishy, like green corn, but not fragrant or fruity…5
5b. Stalk base not a variation of blue, green, or olive…6
6b. Cap has no white or creamy center…7
7b. No remnants of universal veil, stalk is not white…8
8b. No remnants of veil on either cap or stalk…9
9a. Stalk smooth…10
10b. No part of fruiting body is lilac or violet…11
11b. Cap is not white…12
12b. Cap not white, or pink, or red, or orange…13
13b. Not as above…15
15b. Cap brownish, but without overly prominent “nipple” at center…16
16b. Cap without fibrils, stalk not whitish at any point…17
17b. Stalk not any variation of pink…18
18b. Stalk not entirely pruinose…19
19b. Fruiting body medium-sized (cap usually at least 3 cm broad and stalk at least 5mm thick)…23
23b. Cap usually brown to dark brown or chestnut brown…24
24b. Stalk with small bulb... Inocybe nappies

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